
Showing posts from February, 2019

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

Effect of Injection Timing and Injector Opening Pressures on the Performance of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Ceiba Pentandra Oil Methyl Ester -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE  EFFECT OF INJECTION TIMING AND INJECTOR OPENING PRESSURES ON THE PERFORMANCE OF DIESEL ENGINE FUELLED WITH CEIBA PENTANDRA OIL METHYL ESTER Authored by Banapurmath NR Experiments were carried out on a compression ignition (CI) engine to study its performance at different injection timings (IT), injector opening pressures (IOP) and nozzle holes. The Ceiba Pentandra oil methyl ester (CPOME) was selected to check its suitability as CI engine fuel. The engine was operated at 1500 rpm keeping hemispherical combustion chamber (HCC) shape and compression ratio of (CR) of 17.5. IT of 27 °C BTDC, IOP of 240 bar and injector of 5 holes yielded better performance.Maximum BTE for CPOME found to be 27.2

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

CASTEP Study on Electronic and Optical Properties of Zinc Oxide -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE  CASTEP STUDY ON ELECTRONIC AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF ZINC OXIDE Authored by Hassan Soleimani We investigate the effect of size on the electronic and optical properties of zinc oxide(ZnO). CASTEP simulations based on density functional theory has been performed to find the band structure, density of states and optical properties of zinc oxide(ZnO) bulk and nanocluster. The results show quantum confinement effect as band structure show discrete lines. The change in band gap has been observed from 0.822 eV to 0.013 eV. Band structure calculations show Fermi level shift towards conduction band. Optical properties display low value of absorption in nanocluster as compared to bulk. ZnO nanocluster show high value of dielectric function compared to bulk. The results demonstrat