
Showing posts from January, 2019

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

The Challenge of the Use the Microorganisms in Enhance Oil Recover -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE  THE CHALLENGE OF THE USE THE MICROORGANISMS IN ENHANCE OIL RECOVER Authored by Santos SN Energy is the key to the development of any society. Energy sources derived from fossil fuels are still hold the largest share of energy generation for society. So far, there are no many options for renewable sources and/or large-scale green products for total replacement of this source.The produce from these resources by currently used methods leads to only 8-50% recovery of the total oil present in the reservoir. There is a great need of efficient advanced methods of recovery of fossil fuel, to improve upon the recovery of trapped crude oil, which becomes inaccessible by traditional techniques. Conventional oil production occurs in three stages: Primary oil recovery is the res

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

Petrochemicals and Microbial Processes: In Search of Safe Alternative -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE  PETROCHEMICALS AND MICROBIAL PROCESSES: IN SEARCH OF SAFE ALTERNATIVE Authored by Rup Lal Microbial cells as factories can offer exciting and energetically viable option to meet the increased demand of alternate methods which can minimize usage of petrochemicals. Microbial processes, however, pose challenges of process optimization which are being explored globally by employing development and advances in microbiological methods and interdisciplinary coalition of mathematical, chemical and physical sciences; but undoubtedly it can provide economic and efficient alternate to petrochemicals for safer and cleaner environment. For more open access journals in JuniperPublishers please click on: For more articles on Petrochemical Sc