
Showing posts from November, 2018

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

Study of the Growth of Magnesium Oxide Thin Films Using X-Ray Diffraction Technique: Mini Review -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE STUDY OF THE GROWTH OF MAGNESIUM OXIDE THIN FILMS USING X-RAY DIFFRACTION TECHNIQUE: MINI REVIEW Authored by Ho SM X-ray diffraction method has been used by many researchers in order to study the structure of films. In this work, amorphous structure or polycrystalline magnesium oxide thin films could be identified using this technique. Furthermore, the grain sizes could be measured using X-ray diffraction data as well. For more open access journals in JuniperPublishers please click on: For more articles on Petrochemical Science Please click on: To read more..... .Fulltext in  Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science in Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

A Comparative Study of Phosphonate and Phosphorus-Free Antiscalant Efficiency by Static and Dynamic Methods. Do We Have Reliable Tools For An Adequate Reagent Selection? -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PHOSPHONATE AND PHOSPHORUS-FREE ANTISCALANT EFFICIENCY BY STATIC AND DYNAMIC METHODS. DO WE HAVE RELIABLE TOOLS FOR AN ADEQUATE REAGENT SELECTION? Authored by Popov K A relative ability of four industrial samples of phosphorus-free polymers (polyaspartate, PASP; polyepoxysuccinate, PESA; polyacrylic acid sodium salt, PAAS; copolymer of maleic and acrylic acid, MA-AA) and of two phosphonates (aminotris(methylenephosphonic acid), ATMP; 1-hydroxyethane-1,1-bis(phosphonic acid), HEDP) to inhibit calcium carbonate precipitation at a dosage 10 mg•dm-3 is tested in static experiments following the NACE Standard TM0374-2007 and in a dynamic modeоfevap

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

Nano-Emptiness Space of Oil-Bearing Rocks  Cancer-Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE  NANO-EMPTINESS SPACE OF OIL-BEARING ROCKS Authored by Osovetsky B The electron microscopic and X-ray tomography studies of oil-bearing rocks showed a great variety and wide volume limits of an emptiness space. It includes macro- and with the corresponding micro-fragments of space closely connected each other. Micro-emptiness space predominates in volume in thin-grained terrigenous rocks, especially in argillites. But even in carbonate rocks it plays very important role as system of canals for oil migration. To read more...... Fulltext in Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science in  JuniperPublishers 

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

The Relationship between Carbonate Reservoir Unit Features and Well Test Double Logarithmic Curves -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARBONATE RESERVOIR UNIT FEATURES AND WELL TEST DOUBLE LOGARITHMIC CURVES Authored by Dapeng G Naturally fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs have various type so f units, and making full use of the well test data to study reservoir characteristics is the quit important to enhance oil production. The classification of the reservoir units and identification methods are analyzed. Combination of the results interpreted by multiple medium model and radial composite model, the well test double logarithmic curves are divided into five types corresponding to different reservoir unit’s characteristics. To read more........ Fulltext in Recent Advances inPetrochemical Science in  JuniperPublishers 

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

What can be done to Prevent Accidental Toxic Release, Fire & Explosion in Chemical Process Industry? -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE WHAT CAN BE DONE TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL TOXIC RELEASE, FIRE & EXPLOSION IN CHEMICAL PROCESS INDUSTRY? Authored by Easir A Khan Public perceptions are significantly affected by industrial incidents and the contribution and essential societal role of different industries are often overlooked when any catastrophic incident occurs. What can be done to prevent release of toxic chemical, fire & explosion or any other catastrophic incidents? Majority of the incidents occurred in the process industries due to lack of competence, system failure, human error and/or someone did not do what they were supposed to do. The root causes of the incidents in process industries are more or less same. The incidents can be avoided if the organiza

Juniper Publishers | Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science

Oil Spill: Are We Doing Enough to Avoid It? -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE  OIL SPILL: ARE WE DOING ENOUGH TO AVOID IT? Authored by Jaan Hui Pu This paper reviews the recent studies on the identification and cleaning methods, as well as the consequences of oil spill. The future progression on oil spill prevention studies are also projected here.  To read more......... Fulltext in Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science in JuniperPublishers          
An Overview of Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods in Fractured Carbonated Reservoirs -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE  AN OVERVIEW OF ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY METHODS IN FRACTURED CARBONATED RESERVOIRS Authored by Afshin Davarpanah In some cases that the fluid (oil) enter in the bottom of the well and the fluid pressure in the bottom of the well is not capable to bring them to wellhead, other techniques such as gas lift (gas is injected from the surface into the well and this gas with well oil creates mixed miscibility that the density is less than primary oil density and can be transmitted oil to wellhead with that bottom pressure) or down-hole pumps (the oil is pumped from the bottom to wellhead by this device) is used. But, this technique is not mentioned as one of EOR methods. To Read more.... Fulltext in Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science in JuniperPublisher
Pseudo-Lignin Formation during Dilute acid Pretreatment for Cellulosic Ethanol -Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science -Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-RECENT ADVANCES IN PETROCHEMICAL SCIENCE  PSEUDO-LIGNIN FORMATION DURING DILUTE ACID PRETREATMENT FOR CELLULOSIC ETHANOL Authored by Arthur J. Ragauskas Dilute acid-based pretreatment represents one of the most important pretreatment technologies to reduce biomass recalcitrance and it has been successfully applied to a wide range of feedstocks. During this type of pretreatment, the relative lignin content usually increases partially due to the loss of carbohydrates. To Read more..... Fulltext in Recent Advances in Petrochemical Science in JuniperPublishers